Thursday, May 27, 2010

7 Signs That You Need a Day Off

It seems logical that most people would look forward to days off from work. But as we examine people, we find that many of us avoid taking time off. After a while, time off becomes not just a desire, but a need. Ask yourself if the following circumstances apply to you.

Someone has told you that you need time off.
Believe it or not, sometimes other people can tell when we are dragging, sick, losing our effectiveness, or otherwise better off with a rest than another day of work. Having someone else tell you so may signal not only that you need a rest, but that they also need you to have a rest.

You are sick.
Many of us would rather “work through” an illness than sit at home and rest it off. While in the short term this may seem to work, it is more likely that we are blinded to the reality that working will prolong the illness, risk spreading it to others, and—if “working through” an illness has become a habit—can lead to long-term health problems. Meanwhile, resting during illness allows our immune system to do its thing. It also is the beginning of taking charge of our own health. Think of the future medical bills saved.

You feel guilty about not spending more time with your family.
While I do not recommend guilt as a motivator for action, I do believe that the phrase “feel guilty about not” in the above subtitle can be easily replaced with phrases like “desire to.” For example, you “desire to” spend more time with your family. You “miss” spending more time with your family. Your family’s stability may require a little more of a time investment.

You are sick of your job.
Taking a day or so off allows you to examine why you are sick of your job. Maybe it’s the wrong job for you. Maybe you are just tired, exhausted, depleted, and angry because all work and no play makes all of us that way.

You have not had a day off in a long time.
Even the military provides a minimum number of days’ leave per year. In my experience, the military makes no decision or provision unless it somehow supports mission readiness. I believe we all have a mission in life, so get ready for it by getting away for a while.

You believe that the job or company…or you…will not survive your day or week or month off.
Fiddlesticks. You probably need a day off just to disprove this thought. Yes, even if you own the company.

You believe that everyone would be better off without you.
I have been surprised by people who were having thoughts of suicide, but who were not willing to take a day or more off from work for residential treatment that would save their lives. The world is better with you here. Things can get better, but if you are in danger of hurting yourself, you may never see what blessings the future holds unless you make sure you are there by getting some care.

(Bonus) You feel like a day off.
There are many more signs that you might need a day off. You’d probably better head out to the beach and make up your own. Happy Holiday!

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